Thursday, 21 March 2013

Web 2.0 and the muic industry

Web 2.0 and the music industry

The Positives

-they can produce music without a label, using sites such as myspace.
-they can operate online without having to print a load of cd's which can cut costs
-major labels can source bands who already have an established fanbase
-they have the ability to advertise online, without having to go out and aquire a fanbase
-a wider audience can be reached
-synergetic links with other companies, such as xfactor and songs on itunes.
-this is a bad side for people who do not have internet because not everyone has it therfore if the bands is only
online then they will not be able to be heard by a lot of people.

The Negatives

-peer to peer sites where users can share file illegally over the internet which lead to piracy
-this lead to a large downfall in the music industries profit
-this weakened the divide between producers and consumers
-there is still 10:1 illegal downloads to every legal download in 2006

Digtial natives are people who are born into this new modern age of technology and are therefore
proficient in technology use. This is because they have gotten used to it being there and didnt know
about anything before it was there.
Digital immigrants are people who were born before the uprise in digital technology use and have
gotten used to being without this new prodcut.

Consider all stages of production:

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