Many times we have tried to convince ourselves that the Beliebers aren’t so bad. They’re just little girls, right? Just as we loved New Kids on the Block and JTT, they love Justin. Right? Well, maybe not. Now that Bieber is dating Selena Gomez, some of his biggest fans are tweeting death threats to the 18-year-old singer/actress. Hey, children? Not okay. In fact, the FBI has gotten involved, and some of these girls may face jail time.
Twitter is a great way to keep up with your favorite Olympic athletes as they give insight into their sports and life in the Olympic Village, and occasionally spray racist vitriol, as Swiss soccer player Michel Morganella did on Monday, getting himself expelled. After an inappropriate missive on Monday in which he described South Koreans as a "bunch of mentally handicapped retards," the Swiss team sent Morganella home.
Some complete moron responded to Daley's fourth-place finish in synchronized diving on Monday by saying the 18-year old let his father down by not earning a spot on the medal stand.
The Olympian's dad died of brain cancer last year.
A subsequent Tweet from the same user said he was going to "find" Daley and "drown" him in the pool, which caught the attention of local police. They have reportedly arrested a 17-year old "on suspicion of malicious communications" in relation to his Twitter posts.
In England, Tweeting messages believed to be menacing, offensive or indecent can lead to prosecution. That may violate the First Amendment in the U.S., but would anyone really object if some idiot such as this is thrown in jail?
(GOOD) Although the content of this twitter message is a negative one, the outcome is good because as Twitter is a public social networking site the police where able to arrest the user that left this comment on the Olympic Athelete's twitter feed.
Kate Middleton: Nude photos are lauched on twitter where many poeple have seen it now, it was taken by the French adn shown in one its magazines however this image was then released on twitter by the public. As although it can be banned via news article on twitter in cannot.
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